The Role of an Alliance Manager

Many organizations are still new to the idea that strategic alliances must be managed, and have looked to ASAP for help in defining the role of the alliance manager.

While the role of the alliance manager can vary across industries, and even among organizations within the same industry segment, all alliance managers work to create success by bringing together two or more unique and often culturally different entities, where risks must be foreseen and mitigated and performance must be optimized while accounting for inefficiencies. 

In organizations that implement an alliance strategy and support it with an alliance culture and mindset, along with appropriate resources, an effective alliance manager can play a critical role in reaching the goals of the alliance and delivering its intended value. The successful alliance manager will perform this unique balance within their own organization as well as across entities or partnerships, often relying heavily on their ability to “influence without authority.”

To nurture and develop the necessary skills, many alliance managers have chosen to become ASAP certified and achieve their Certificate of Achievement in Alliance Management (CA-AM), as well as the highest level of certification, the Certified Strategic Alliance Professional (CSAP). To be most effective, the alliance manager position requires skills developed over many years focused on leadership competencies and managerial capabilities.