About ASAP

The Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals (ASAP) is the premier global community for professionals who drive success through strategic alliances and partnerships. As a nonprofit organization, we serve alliance professionals and partnering experts from diverse sectors, including technology, biopharma, finance, energy, and consulting.

Our Mission

ASAP elevates, advances, promotes, and certifies the discipline and profession of alliance management for a global community of alliance practitioners.

What We Offer

  • Cutting-edge resources, tools, and publications
  • Professional development through education and networking events
  • Exclusive CA-AM and CSAP certifications for alliance professionals

Who We Serve

Our global membership spans senior executives and alliance leaders responsible for:

  • Planning and executing strategic partnerships
  • Integrating alliance management into corporate business models
  • Driving innovation through collaborative efforts

How We Empower Our Members

  1. Access to best practices and state-of-the-art alliance management tools
  2. Opportunities to improve alliance success rates and mitigate risks
  3. Engagement with a community of accomplished professionals facing similar challenges
  4. Guidance on building and optimizing alliance management functions
  5. Strategies to position organizations as "partners of choice" within their industries
  6. Techniques to influence stakeholders and nurture thriving alliances
  7. Cross-industry networking for career advancement and partnership opportunities
  8. Comprehensive training in both technical and soft skills
  9. Methods to demonstrate the value of alliance portfolios to C-level executives
  10. Insights into the latest high-level collaboration strategies

Join ASAP to unlock the full potential of your strategic partnerships and advance your career in alliance management.

Why ASAP with ASAP Board of Director Member Cindy Warren