Terms of Service

Individual Members

Any new or returning individual who promotes or is actively engaged in the formation or management of alliances or related business development activities, and/or who has expressed an advocacy of the principles of the Association, is eligible for individual membership through payment of the applicable annual membership fee. 

Corporate Company Members

Any new or returning corporation, partnership, association, or other entity organized for profit or not-for-profit, a significant part of whose business development and collaboration activities involves the formation and management of alliances, and who has expressed an advocacy of the principles of the Corporation by contributing specified membership fees, is eligible for membership. 

Rights and Privileges of Membership

All members of the Association shall be entitled to the right to participate in specified events and activities offered through the Association and shall not have voting rights on matters affecting the Association, as defined in Association Articles of Organization or Bylaws, or for any purpose under Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 180, as amended, or any other law, rule or regulation. Membership fees are non-refundable.

Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals Privacy Policy

The Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals (ASAP) places a high priority on protecting your privacy. This privacy policy was created in order to demonstrate ASAP’s firm commitment to the privacy of our members and website users. This policy explains what types of information are collected by the ASAP’s website, www.strategic-alliances.org, and how this information is used. 

IP addresses

ASAP uses your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server, to administer www.strategic-alliances.org, and for statistical metrics used to track website visitor traffic.


www.strategic-alliances.org uses “cookie” messages to automatically help provide better services. They remind us who you are and your preferences for our website based on what you’ve done and told us before. The “cookie” is placed in your computer and is read when you come back to our website. Cookies let us take you to the information and features you’re particularly interested in. They also let us track your usage of www.strategic-alliances.org, so we know which parts of our website are most popular. You can reject cookies or cancel them by instructing your Web browser accordingly.

How Your Information May Be Used

We use your personal information to provide you with personalized service; to send email alerts to you regarding your membership status or your registration for member events; to send electronic newsletters, event alerts, and other publications; to answer your requests; to request your participation in surveys/evaluations; to process your membership; etc. You may choose to unsubscribe to any specific communication at any time. We may also ask for information (including a credit card number) from those who pay for an ASAP membership, register for a conference, workshop, or other event, or conduct other transactions on our website.

This category of information also includes data that you electronically submit when you register to use our website or you submit an ASAP membership application via our website. Similar information may be submitted through conference or webinar/event registration, publication orders, and subscriptions. While some areas of our website are accessible to the public, many of the features and services that are available on the website are open only to ASAP members (the “Member Areas”). If you are an ASAP member, you will be asked to register for access to the “Member Areas” by completing the registration provided on the website. If you are not an ASAP member but want to join, you can request membership by visiting the “Join ASAP” section of the website and submitting the information, including personally identifying information, required on the membership application form.

All information voluntarily supplied by you as part of the website registration and/or membership application process will be collected and stored in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy. ASAP respects your right to privacy. We do not sell, exchange, or give away our members’ email addresses or phone numbers.

You have the right to access your personal data through your individual member record, update incomplete or inaccurate data, and request to be eliminated from the ASAP database or unsubscribed to ASAP marketing communications.

Email Privacy
The Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals does not provide, sell, or rent email addresses to anyone outside the organization.

External Links
www.strategic-alliances.org includes links to external websites. These links do not fall under the www.strategic-alliances.org domain, and ASAP is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of external websites. Your use of any linked website is solely at your own risk.

We may amend this privacy policy from time to time; please review it periodically. We maintain the option to modify this privacy policy at any time by electronic notice posted on our website. Your continued use of our website after the date that such notices are posted will be deemed to be your agreement to the changed terms.

Access Privileges
We use information collected during registration to verify that you have the rights to access ASAP-member-only content, and that you qualify for various ASAP-member discounts and promotions. For our email communications, ASAP members, registered users of any ASAP site, and other ASAP customers may opt out at any time by using the “Unsubscribe” mechanism within the email, which allows email recipients to manage their subscription preferences regarding ASAP e-newsletters, email alerts, and special offers. This mechanism does not allow a user to opt out of receiving transactional email, such as registration confirmation, product, service, or membership benefit updates, and responses to direct requests. Additionally, ASAP members and website registered users may opt out of receiving email communications by clicking the “Unsubscribe” link found at the bottom of ASAP emails.

Only you and ASAP staff can view your complete contact record. Portions of your contact record will be visible in the ASAP Member Directory while you have an active ASAP membership. Use of the ASAP Member Directory is for networking purposes only. Abuse of this information could lead to suspension or loss of membership. You can edit the information available in your contact record (and limit visibility of information shown in the Member Directory) at any time.

You may adjust your contact details by logging in at www.strategic-alliances.org, then clicking on the Member Directory icon, “Profile,” in the left menu, and make sure you click the “Save” button after edits.

You may opt out of ASAP communications by:

Control of Your Information and Email

You can always view, correct, and update the personal or company/firm information provided by you during registration by contacting ASAP directly or, when the service is available, by logging into your password-protected account and selecting to update your “Profile”; any changes you indicate will be confirmed to you by email. From time to time, ASAP may send information about events and services to you via email. We provide you the opportunity to opt out of receiving these types of communications by sending us an email at myudysky@strategic-alliances.org

Code of Ethics
Guidelines for ethical conduct by ASAP members

Our members strive to uphold the highest ethical principles both within the association and in the conduct of their alliances.

All ASAP members are committed to observing and promoting the highest standards of ethical conduct with the Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals. ASAP members pledge to accept this code as a minimum guideline for ethical conduct and shall:


  • Faithfully abide by the articles of incorporation, bylaws, and policies of the organization.
  • Exercise reasonable care, good faith, and due diligence in governing and managing affairs.
  • Fully disclose, at the earliest opportunity, information that may result in a perceived or actual conflict of interest.

Professional Excellence – Integrity

  • Maintain a professional level of courtesy, respect, and objectivity in all matters and activities.
  • Strive to uphold and assist other members of ASAP in upholding the highest standards of conduct.

Confidential Information

  • Respect the confidentiality of sensitive information.

Collaboration and Cooperation

  • Respect the diversity of opinions as expressed or acted upon by the organization board, committees, and membership, and formally register dissent as appropriate. Promote collaboration, cooperation, and partnership among association members.