We’ve all had the experience of an unexpected event that suddenly threw a wrench into our alliances or our lives. Depending on the nature of the event, its magnitude, and how close to home it hits, we generally do our best to understand how the landscape has changed, adjust to the... Continue Reading
The ASAP Blog is your go-to source for coverage of the latest ASAP events, including conferences, webinars, roundtables, and other presentations.
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Nothing remains static for long—not in alliances and partnering, and not in most industries today. Take your eye off the ball, and you may miss an important trend with far-reaching implications. Drift away from strategy and lose focus, and your competitive edge may be eroded as well.... Continue Reading
We’ve reached the latter stages of the editing process for the Q1 issue of Strategic Alliance Quarterly, coming out soon. As always, we have some great material that didn’t make the cut for the magazine, so we wanted to use this space to pass along some of the insights that emerged... Continue Reading
Alliance technology has become an imperative for alliance professionals – ASAP and allianceboard are teaming-up to combine resources, best practices, and technology to support ever-evolving collaboration models. This month, ASAP and allianceboard announced a technology and knowledge... Continue Reading
As the healthcare and biopharma ecosystem expands and diversifies, the public-private partnership model offers an important sphere of collaboration between biopharma companies, medical institutions, patient advocacy foundations, and governmental entities. Biopharma companies—many ASAP... Continue Reading
It is that time of year again. ASAP has revealed its list of Alliance Excellence Award finalists for 2020. Like previous winners before them, this year’s nominees created innovative products, threw lifelines to citizens in need all around the world, increased company profits, got us closer... Continue Reading
In today’s rapidly evolving market ecosystems, interactions between companies are neither simple nor static. Companies engage in both competitive and collaborative interactions with one another; companies that were once considered fierce competitors are now also each other’s most... Continue Reading
Recently I’ve had some interesting conversations with members, both in technology sales and in biopharma, that caused me to reflect on my own years of experience in pharma commercial alliances and also what I know from our members about go-to-market alliances on the tech side. I spent many... Continue Reading
The following blog was originally posted by ASAP corporate member and Education Provider Partner, The Rhythm of Business. Collaboration is a business buzzword that everyone thinks they know what it means and how to do it, but few truly do; yet it has never been more important than it is today. In... Continue Reading
In our upcoming issues of Strategic Alliance Monthly and Strategic Alliance Quarterly, we will examine the changing nature of supplier collaborations in today’s business world. In a lengthy feature for Strategic Alliance Quarterly, we dive deep into how advanced digital technologies are... Continue Reading
As an alliance leader, I used to spend 70 percent of my time not working with partners, but working on aligning internally. The concept of creating value through partnering was brand new for our leaders. We’d never walk into a meeting without a pre-meeting. Building alignment stole time away... Continue Reading
For old established companies, responding and adapting to market changes and shifts in technology and consumer buying behavior can be especially difficult. When the old ways of doing business no longer bring in the revenue they once did and the once-revered firm struggles to maintain its top... Continue Reading